Chariotdrive is the premiere producer of live action, and motion animation cinematic content for video games.
We have worked on content from the biggest developers including:

Production & Post
Our experience creating content for video games is extensive. Covering billion dollar AAA titles down to independent studios with titles in development.
Whether it’s in game capture, live action or CGI, Chariotdrive has the creative experience and proven track record of making amazing video game related content that is sticky and created with a passion for gaming and narrative film production.
Case Study

VALVE: Half-Life
Valve produced one of the most loved and game series of all time. It is widely regarded as one of the greatest games ever created with one of the greatest characters.

The Freeman Chronicles
We created a live action 3 part series based on Half-Life featuring Gordon Freeman and other familiar characters from the game.
We covered the production from writing to output including all the live action shooting, post production and visual effects.
Quantitative Results
Over 10 million minutes watched
The series has amassed over 10 million minutes watched and has a 96% rating on Steam. Feedback from the community was off the charts and the ratio of comments to likes was unusually high.
Below you can watch the final episode of the three part series.
Additionally we created separate title sequences for the beginning and end of the series.
Case Study
Chariotdrive recently worked with the acclaimed Linden Lab who are responsible for the long running Second Life.
Because of our unique process we were able to offer 50-70% more value for the same budget.
ASK: Sansar required a 60 second spot to launch their new product Sansar.
RECEIVED: Game play and live action trailer with motion graphics and visual effects. In addition to that required 60 we were able to give them 3 x 30 second alternate versions.
Additional Content
Based on market research from the incredible TWOFIVESIX, Chariotdrive put together several creative concepts that were pitched to the client. This was refined and a selection was made. All work was outlined on a massive digital whiteboard.

We knew with a small budget we had limited options so we opted to bring the production in house where we would be able to control all aspects of the shoot.
Footage was captured in 4K/UHD B-RAW using Blackmagic cameras.

Post Production

Editorial was done in Davinci Resolve which allowed a flexible workflow of compositing in Fusion and color grading in Resolve.
Nothing like a handwritten note of amazing thanks.

Case Study

World of Tanks is multi billion dollar free to play, massively multiplayer online game.
Millions of player all around the world come together to pay this epic strategy game.

XBOX Launch
We created a three trailer launch campaign for the release of World of Tanks on Xbox.
From concept, through in game capture, production and post we delivered a special mix of story and emotion.
World of Tanks debuted on the Microsoft XBOX with enormous fanfare and success. Exclusive positioning on gaming news sites such as IGN.
If you are interested in hearing more about what we can create for your game, contact us below and we can share more out the unique and creative process that we have developed.